New Year's Cleaning

One month into this new year, and we here at Pearl Street Laundry & Dry Cleaning are feeling rested, revitalized, and ready to support our fine customers through 2017 and beyond. A warm welcome back to the MIT and Harvard customers ready to start this spring semester!

We are all waiting for spring to come, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get a head start on your spring cleaning. Why not start out the year fresh and clean, after all? Getting these things done at the start of the new year just gives us a good feeling, the sensation of new beginnings and a blank slate.

We here at Pearl Street are ready to help you get a jump start on all of your spring cleaning. We’ve ever got a small checklist prepared to assist.

Step One: Bed Sheets

Experts say that bedsheets should be washed every “one to two weeks”. But unless you have a high-powered dryer and a few helping hands to do all the folding, washing large sheets can be a pain. Let us make your bed a tidy and allergy free one by bringing in your sheets. We will professionally launder and dry them with relaxing lavender essential oil and fluffy wool dryer balls. Your sheets will be so fresh you’ll feel like you are sleeping on a cloud.

If you have expensive sheets or use sheets made of a sensitive material, it pays to let a professional take care of them for you. There is nothing quite like a fresh, soft, and clean bed!

Step Two: Curtains and Drapes

If it has been a while since you had your curtains professionally dry-cleaned, you owe it to yourself. Over the months (and possibly years), those drapes tend to accumulate all kind of dust and dander that you certainly don’t want to be breathing in every time you open your windows for a lovely breath of fresh air when the weather warms up. So let us here at Pearl Street solve the issue by sending them off to our dry cleaning facility and in returning your curtains to you in tip-top shape.

Step Three: Dry Cleaning Seasonal Items

While New Year’s Eve may be in the rearview mirror, those stains on your party clothes seem determined to stick around into the new season. Even if you only wear these garments a few times a year, letting stains sit in their fabric is never a good idea. Give us a call and have your fancy garments locked and loaded for the next soiree of the year.

In similar fashion, when the weather warms and flowers start to bud, drop your winter coats off to us for dry cleaning before storing them for the summer. Between riding the T and playing in the snow there are plenty of “things” lurking on those essential items. We clean hats, gloves, and scarves too!

Here is to a great 2017! Get it off to a fresh start with a visit to our shop. We’ll set you on the right course for a fantastic, clean start to the new year.