The "joys" of pet ownership... and the resulting laundry!

Pets add so much joy to life. Whether you are a cat or dog person, chances are that you love your animal and want to take the best possible care of it. And you’re definitely not alone in that regard: September 17th was named “Responsible Pet Ownership Day” this year, a time to contemplate what it means to be the steward of one of nature’s furry, adorable domesticates. It is a day meant to make and celebrate all the privileges and responsibilities that go along with this life-changing relationship we humans cultivate with our pets.

While you may love your pets unconditionally, it goes without saying that there are certain inconveniences that come along with keeping animals in the home. Let’s just say that your two-story brownstone on Elm Street isn’t exactly a canines “natural environment”. Thus, sometime issues and accidents arise. When we think of a cute puppy, we think of throwing a tennis ball, long walks in the park, snuggling after supper, and of course, urine stains on every nice thing you own! We yell and rush them outside, but we simply can’t stay mad at that cute face for very long.

But don’t fret or consider calling the shelter: when it comes to pet stains, we here at Pearl Street Laundry are more than happy to provide dry-cleaning or laundering for household items affected by pet stains. Whether it be a comforter, a pillow, or pretty much anything else made of cloth, chances are we can probably help you out. So bring us your piddles, your mistakes, your accidents – we’re ready for them all. As the premier laundry service in Cambridgeport, we know all about the kind of mess that un-housetrained animals can leave on your stuff, and we specialize in returning those items to you as fresh as if the little “incident” never happened in the first place.

No matter what the item or situation it is important to blot and soak up as much of the accident as possible as soon as you can before bringing it to us. Throw it in a garbage bag and crank up the car, you’ll be able to wash your hands of it entirely by simply bringing that bag into Pearl Street Laundry for treatment.

If you can’t make it to us right away, however, our recommendation would be that you apply a bit of diluted white vinegar or a specialty pet stain treatment immediately to the offending stain, as it will help to break down the offending substance making it easier to remove the stain. We love to turn to vinegar and baking soda as well as other natural options for stains of all kinds, and for carpets and other items you can’t bring to Pearl Street Laundry as well as specialty spot treatment, we recommend Nature’s Miracle brand of stain removers available at most pet stores.

Secondly, baking soda works great as a sort of natural odor eliminator, which is also an important component to discouraging future accidents in the same location by eliminating the smell. We add baking soda to regular detergent when laundering pet stained items in addition to enzymatic spot treatment.

Of course, after that’s all over with it is time to undergo the difficult task of potty-training your new family member. We can’t help with that, but we can definitely wish you all the luck in the world in your training and point you towards tips at sites such as the Humane Society. Having the love and affection of an animal will definitely return the investment in time. Happy belated Pet Ownership Day to all you canine and feline lovers out there!